
Top 100 selskaber om fremme af kvinder i bestyrelsen

Small conversation at the meeting. Closeup of two male business partners communicating at the meeting with blurred background of other meeting participants

Økonomisk Ugebrev har gennemgået mangfoldighedsrapporter fra de 100 største danske virksomheder. I det følgende gengiver vi uddrag fra disse rapporter.

Novo Nordisk skriver: ”DIVERSITY Target for the under-represented gender on the Board of Directors Novo Nordisk A/S In 2016, the Board of Directors of Novo Nordisk A/S adjusted its diversity ambition and set a new target that by 2020 the Board will consist of at least three shareholder-elected members of each gender. As of 31 December 2017, five shareholder-elected Board members were male and two were female.”

LEGO skriver: “We have set a target of having two female board members by 1 January, 2020. Currently, one member of the board is female, and as a result, the target is not yet reached. However, the board of LEGO System A/S (a subsidiary to LEGO A/S) meets legislative guidelines for gender balance because one out of four general assembly elected board members is female.”

ISS skriver: ”The Board has adopted a gender diversity target of having at least 40% women on the Board by 2020. Currently, 33% of our Board members are women. The target was not reached in 2017. The Board found that it in broad terms possessed a high level of diversity and did not nominate new Board candidates in 2017. In terms of international experience, the Board aims to have sufficient international experience at all management levels taking into account the size and activities of ISS. The Board considers that it has diverse and broad international experience.”

Grundfos skriver: “The Board intends to increase the number of female directors among these six to two by 2020. No directors were replaced in 2017. We are always on the lookout for qualified candidates, and expect to fulfil the targeted number of female directors.”

Rockwool skriver: “The selection of two new members of the Board of Directors during 2017 included diversity considerations, where gender was a part, as was the assessment for the overall composition of the Board. Within the Group, also ROCKWOOL A/S, in Denmark, has set a target for its Board of Directors. The target is to have one woman on the Board of Directors by 2020. Currently, the Board of Directors has only male members.”

Danish Crown skriver: “There are no women on the Supervisory Board of Leverandørselskabet Danish Crown AmbA, which does not live up to the target of 10 pct. female representation. For several of the companies, the real challenge is the gender balance among Danish Crown’s owners. The targets for 2021 have not been met in the past year either because no board members have been replaced, or because it has unfortunately not been possible to attract candidates with the right skills”.

VKR skriver: “VKR Holding støtter op om ligestilling og diversitet, hvilket har udmøntet sig i en målsætning om mangfoldighed i bestyrelsen. Ved udgangen af 2017 har bestyrelsen ét kvindeligt medlem. Dette svarer til 20% af den samlede bestyrelse. VKR Holding ønsker til enhver tid som minimum at have ét kvindeligt medlem af bestyrelsen.”

DLG skriver: ”BOARD OF DIRECTORS the Board of Directors reflects the composition of DLG’s ownership and consists of 12 members, including three employee representatives. The Board of Directors is elected for terms of two years and consists of 11 men and 1 woman (elected by the employees). The aim of DLG is for the composition of the Board of Directors in the long term to reflect the gender composition of the owner group.”